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Data Mining Ideas Jul 19 2002 | # | C:0

Currently Available: Navigating via a blog’s parents/children/siblings. Future Ideas: Expand the number of degrees that you see at once, i.e. 1st degree shows parents/children/sbilings, 2nd degree also shows grandparents/aunts&uncles/cousins/nieces&nefews/grandchildren, etc. This could get a bit crowded and the SQL queries…

Progress Jul 19 2002 | # | C:0

Added a reverse test for ancestry when selecting a new parent blog - this should avoid cycles. Also added support for receiving an email when a blog has a new child - still need to make the email “prettier”….

Changing the Look Jul 18 2002 | # | C:0

I’ve changed to look to a simple four-quadrant layout. It’s not pretty, but it’ll do for now. I’ll find someone more creative later once the database stuff is working. I’ve also added logging, and most of the functionality is now…

MT Supports MySQL! Jul 11 2002 | # | C:0

I noticed today that Movable Type now supports a MySQL backend. This is reason enough for me to use it for CM on this site…. Jul 05 2002 | # | C:0

I registered a domain and started on the database schemas

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